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London Psychic Home > Free Psychic Reading
Free Psychic Reading
Psychic ‘reading’ is not like reading a book or a newspaper.
It is a mystical process of analyzing your personal traits and predicting your future. It resolves your intractable problems that seem to defy solutions from experts. Psychic reading may take different forms and names.
- Reading the faces of the people called physiognomy;
- Reading the lines of palms called palmistry;
- Reading the meanings of numbers called numerology;
- Reading the future through tarot cards called tarot readings;
- Reading the horoscope or the movement and positions of stars and planets in respect of the issues relating to subject called horoscope reading or astrology.
A psychic reading involves understanding what lies beneath and beyond all that is visible to the five physical senses, especially the eyes and ears. This reading is the same thing as the proverbial reading the ‘writing on the wall’.
How does a psychic give a reading?
The real reading power of a psychics reside within their souls. This faculty or power of the psychic is known by different names—third eye, fifth sense, intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and many more.
These psychic abilities work singly or in combination with each other depending upon the subject or the situation.
In any case, all these mystic powers are manifestations of one single psychic power. As said earlier, it is the spiritual power that forever remains in constant union with the Supreme Power, the springhead of all knowledge and power in this universe.
This is what makes the psychic reading so unique, supernatural and mystifying.
Free Psychic Reading
The question arises why psychics offer the invaluable resource of their mystical forecasting powers free of cost. Here are 5 reasons.
First, free reading is offered out of charity, compassion, urge to help the hapless suffering people. Psychics like Edgar Cayce and his counterparts in Eastern countries especially India gave free readings out of sheer compassion.
Second, some people consider psychics as some kind of esoteric subject. They may have some apprehensions. There are also skeptics who would not believe anything until they get a concrete proof or experience of the same. Psychics offer free readings to such people to convince them of the existence of the supernatural powers.
Third, free reading is offered to people who are absolutely new to psychics and want to get a taste of their powers.
Fourth, some people are not satisfied by their existing psychics and they want to search new ones. They do not want to risk their money and want free reading as sample to verify the psychic’s credibility.
Fifth, psychics are family people. They need money to support themselves and their families. They, therefore, offer free reading for commercial interest. There is nothing ‘warped’ about the psychic offer of free reading. There is no effort to hoodwink people in any way. Free reading is like free samples offered by various businesses.
If you belong any of the above four categories, you are welcome to avail a free psychic reading. It is offered through online chatting platforms, emails or over the telephones.
You simply need to search online and find a Psychic who can offer Free Psychic Readings.
In most cases, you may be required to provide your name and email address but rest assured genuine psychics will not share your information with anyone.
The best way to get free reading is to seek an appointment from the psychic so that you are not disappointed if he/she is not available when you call up.
If you want to get the best benefit of free reading, you should do a little of home work before asking for it. Frame your queries precisely and keep in mind that you should never interrupt while the psychic is speaking.
Go for a free psychic reading. Satisfy your curiosity if you are new to the world of psychics or get a new psychic for counseling. You lose nothing but a few minutes of your time.
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