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London Psychic Home > What are the different types of live Psychic Readings
What are the different types of live Psychic Readings?
Psychic reading, according to standard definition, refers to an attempt to discern, or pick out information, using extra sensory perception, and other paranormal skills. Psychic readings have been practiced for centuries, and they are one of the most popular divination tools used. History has seen a colorful parade of mediums, shamans, oracles, seers, clairvoyants and mediums, and these people have been consulted by both kings and queens, emperors and presidents, generals and despots, as well as by ordinary individuals. Here's a short overview of the different types of live psychic readings.
Palm Reading
Palmistry, or palm reading continues to be one of the most popular psychic readings. This involves characterising and foretelling a person's future, through the study of the shapes, wrinkles, lines and curves on the individual's palm. Palm reading though does not strictly require that the reader has psychic ability.
This is another form of psychic reading, where the reader obtains details about another person through physical contact with the other person's possessions. A psychometry reader generally asks the subject to show or give their most meaningful or favorite possessions and objects. It is widely believed that a person's valuable and most prized objects are in close proximity to the person for longer periods, and they hold the person's energy,which can be detected.
Tarot and Rune Reading
Tarot cards are popular even today, as they can be found in bookstores, New Age shops and in psychic web sites online. Tarot cards can be used as a psychic tool, for analysing a person's past, present and future. Tarot card use though does not require psychic abilities. Runes on the other hand, are an ancient alphabet that's commonly used for divining the future. The runes are often cast on a mat, to determine or predict future events, or to identify and reveal when a future issue or problem will arise. Runes are considered as magic, and are often used by witches for spells and charms.
Aura Readings
An aura reading involves the measurement and interpretation of what's called an “aura”. An aura is a field of impalpable and lucent radiation, which is believed to surround a person. Most psychics who know how to perform aura readings often stress that auras are made of electro-magnetic fields and other phenomenon, which if sensed and perceived, can offer a lot of glimpses and insights on a person's character and life.
If you think live psychic readings are all about paranormal powers, then you're wrong. A psychic reading actually involves skill and knowledge. For example, a Tarot card reader uses the card's images to guide them, as the dream-like images and inscriptions on each card have specific meanings, and an experienced Tarot reader can easily interpret the images, and connect them to a person's life story. Therefore, a live psychic reading does not only involve plain psychic ability, but also creativity and intuition. A psychic reader must also convey encouragement, honest and unbiased advice and sincere reassurance to their subjects.
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